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San Francisco, CA

ZETWERK Manufacturing was set up in 2017, with the goal to provide reliable and predictable supply of high-quality manufactured products to our customers across the world. ZETWERK is your preferred manufacturing and sourcing partner in India, trusted by customers across industries - Aerospace, Automotive, Oil & Gas, Energy, Cement, Steel, Sugar, Infrastructure, Material Handling, and many more.

We function with a global supplier network, with a special expertise in India, China and South-East Asia and have the capability to handle a wide variety of manufacturing processes, starting from prototyping all the way into production. Becoming a ZETWERK supplier is not easy - we undergo rigorous supplier evaluations across quality, experience, infrastructure and skills before adding a supplier to our preferred network. We follow this up with routine inspections and audits to ensure suppliers stay current with best practices and latest technology towards manufacturing.

ZETWERK works with 100+ customers today across India, North America, Middle-East and South-East Asia. Customers prefer Zetwerk because of three key reasons:

a) On-time delivery

b) High-quality products and

c) Strong project management

All three of which are enabled through our cutting-edge software and technology, developed in-house by industry experts from the top leading OEMs, EPC and AEC customers from across the world. Our software drives consistency and reliability across the wide variety of projects and suppliers in our network towards delivering a superior experience than what customers have experienced before from other suppliers.

ZETWERK is pioneering the future of manufacturing and elevating suppliers to deliver a consistent experience. Join us in our journey as we scale.

Aluminum Extrusions Power Pages

Aluminum Channels

Aluminum Channels

An aluminum channel is a structurally sound metal component that is made by the extrusion process to produce shapes, forms, and designs for a wide variety of applications. The major benefit of aluminum channels is their weight, which is...

Aluminum Trim

Aluminum Trim

Aluminum trim is an aluminum product that is produced by extrusion to create long, narrow, pliable, and adaptive pieces of aluminum that can be used for architectural decorative applications and accents, indoor and outdoor lighting, and engineering design...

Extruded Aluminium

Aluminum Extrusions

Extruded aluminum is a continuous piece of aluminum that usually has a constant profile or cross-section throughout its length. It is made by forcing a block of aluminum, called a billet, through a die opening which is smaller than the original cross-sectional area of the billet...

Types of Aluminum Extrusions

Extruded Aluminum

Aluminum extrusion, or the extrusion process, owes its beginnings to three men – Joseph Bramah, Thomas Burr, and Alexander Dick. Each of them advanced and perfected the process so that inventors from the industrial revolution...

J Extrusions

J Aluminum Channel

J extrusions are extruded trim pieces that have a profile that resembles the letter “J”. They are designed and engineered to create a seamless edge to protect against the effects of water runoff and to provide a professional and aesthetically pleasing...

Types of Aluminum

Aluminum and its Applications

Aluminum is the most abundant metal in Earth’s crust but rarely exists in elemental form. The various forms of aluminum and its alloys are valued for their low density and high strength-to-weight ratio, durability, and corrosion...

Anodized Aluminum

Anodized Aluminum Animation

Anodized aluminum is aluminum that has undergone an anodizing process to create an exceptionally durable, corrosion-resistant, and aesthetically appealing surface. An electrochemical process involving a series of tanks is used to grow...

Metal Channel

Metal Channel

A wire brush is an abrasive tool that has stiff bristles made from a variety of rigid materials designed to clean and prepare metal surfaces. The filaments of wire brushes are small diameter pieces of inflexible material that...

Roll Forming

Roll Forming

Roll forming is a process that uses a set of precisely placed rollers to perform incremental bending to a continuously fed strip of metal. The rollers are mounted in sets on a consecutive stand with each roller...

Metal Suppliers

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